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How to Recover Data from the Hard Drive of a Dead Laptop

Views : 1361
Update time : 2020-05-17 07:41:27

When a computer dies due ought a software failure fairly than a hardware problem, its files linger inaccessible besides intact above the difficult drive. ought reclaim data from the difficult motivate of a dead Windows, Mac, or Linux notebook, pursue one of the methods below.

1. become Your Old difficult motivate into an external difficult motivate (Windows, Mac, Linux)

1) fetch a difficult motivate disk enclosure. This is an external system into which you can lay a computer’s difficult motivate at bid ought flow it above another computer via a USB port; essentially, the enclosure will become your laptop’s difficult motivate into an external difficult drive. various computers use various difficult motivate models, consequently exist certain ought check your dead laptop’s specifications ago making this purchase. Ex. if your laptop has a 2.5 SATA drive, you will lack a 2.5 SATA USB enclosure.
  • Unless you have a SATA drive, be certain ought buy a laptop-sized disk enclosure; only SATA-ready enclosures can agree both desktop and laptop difficult drives.
  • Note that disk enclosures aren’t commonly build at big-box stores and are frequently purchased online.

2) borrow a working computer that is compatible with your old one. if you had a Windows, use another Windows; if you had a Mac, use another Mac; etc. create certain it has enough universe ought agree the files you desire ought reclaim from the dead laptop; alternatively, you can hook a second external difficult motivate up ought the working computer and simply use the computer because a touch system because the files.
  • A Linux computer will exist capable ought scan files off of a Windows computer (but no the other manner around); unless you learn both systems, however, it is best ought use a Windows computer ought reclaim a Windows difficult drive.

3) Mac users can insert a Windows difficult motivate into their computer and exist capable ought scan (not write) the contents of their difficult motivate if they did no install a divide driver, because example NTFS-3G or Paragon NTFS. accept caution, though, and only use Disk Utility during the process ought "mount" the difficult drive. Any other action you create above Disk Utility can touch contents.

4) touch the difficult motivate from the dead laptop. become off the laptop, unplug it, and touch the Battery. become it above and you’ll scream on that various sections of the laptop base can exist unscrewed and removed separately. because healthy emerge up your laptop copy online ought scream on exactly where the difficult motivate sits or simply emerge because the most apt candidate: though it differs among laptops, a laptop difficult motivate is frequently though at size and rgeister ought a 3.5-inch floppy disk. Unscrew the difficult motivate cover and touch the difficult drive. Some models will pop upwards, some will glide outwards, etc.

5) touch the disk enclosure’s connector dish and insert it into the difficult motivate interface. emerge because connector pins at one purpose of the motivate ought scream on where ought create this connection.
  • If you have an IDE difficult drive, correspondence that there is a detachable adapter sitting above the interface. Simply drag this adapter off consequently that the motivate will properly join with the enclosure’s connector plate.

6) Insert the difficult motivate into the enclosure. Screw it finish if necessary; scan the enclosure manual because additional details.

7) join the external difficult motivate ought the working computer with a USB cable. create certain the computer is turned on. Once the motivate is connected, an icon ought emerge above your desktop (Mac) or a notification ought pop up (Windows). The computer energy too empty the motivate because you automatically.
  • If Windows doesn’t automatically fast you nearly the new external storage unit, simply empty it manually by going ought My Computer and looking because the new drive.
  • If the difficult motivate isn’t recognized at first, effort ejecting it and plugging it aid in.
  • If the difficult motivate is no readable, it’s apt that the difficult motivate itself (and no your computer’s software) failed. if this is the case, you will lack professional aid if you lack ought last the salvage. exist warned that this can exist identical expensive.

8) explore and salvage your old files. touch them ought because healthy the working computer or ought a second external difficult motivate by copying and pasting, clicking and dragging, etc. if you have a fate of great files (ex. songs, movies), correspondence that the touch could accept many hours.

9) when you’re done, near the window ought your difficult drive. The good news is that the dead computer is still physically intact and will maybe task display if you reinstall your operating system.

10) Right-click the USB icon and elect Eject. You can now detach the old difficult drive.

2. Plug Your Old difficult motivate into a Desktop Computer (Windows, Linux)

1) fetch a laptop difficult motivate adapter kit. This will permit you ought plug your laptop’s difficult motivate direct into a compatible desktop computer. various computers use various difficult motivate models, consequently exist certain ought check your dead laptop’s specifications ago making this purchase. Ex. if your laptop has a 2.5 SATA drive, you will lack a 2.5 SATA adapter.

2) borrow a working desktop computer that is compatible with your old one. if you had a Windows, use another Windows; if you had a Linux, use another Linux; etc. create certain it has enough universe ought agree the files you desire ought reclaim from the dead laptop; alternatively, you can hook a second external difficult motivate up ought the working computer and simply use the computer because a touch system because the files.
  • A Linux computer will exist capable ought scan files off of a Windows computer (but no the other manner around); unless you learn both systems, however, it is best ought use a Windows computer ought reclaim a Windows difficult drive.

3) touch the difficult motivate from the dead laptop. become off the laptop, unplug it, and touch the Battery. become it above and you’ll scream on that various sections of the laptop base can exist unscrewed and removed separately. because healthy emerge up your laptop copy online ought scream on exactly where the difficult motivate sits or simply emerge because the most apt candidate: though it differs among laptops, a laptop difficult motivate is frequently though at size and rgeister ought a 3.5-inch floppy disk. Unscrew the difficult motivate cover and touch the difficult drive. Some models will pop upwards, some will glide outwards, etc.
  • If your laptop has an IDE difficult drive, correspondence that there is a detachable adapter sitting above the difficult motivate interface. Simply drag this adapter off consequently that the interface is accessible later.

4) become off your desktop computer, unplug it, and empty the tower. You will use the adapter kit ought plug the old difficult motivate direct into the motherboard.

5) join the dead motivate ought the working computer using your motivate adapter. How you carry out this will depend above your motivate and adapter types, consequently use the instructions that came with the kit.
  • If you have an IDE drive, configure it ought “slave” means ago connecting it ought the IDE ribbon. The configuration ought exist prominent above the difficult motivate itself and will embrace moving a elastic cap above a specific pin or lay of pins (aka “jumpers”) above the difficult motivate interface. Configuring it ought slave means will hold your laptop difficult motivate from competing with the desktop’s “master” difficult motivate during boot-up.

6) Configure your desktop ought admit the new drive. Plug your desktop aid in, energy it on, and empty BIOS. progress ought Standard CMOS Settings or IDE Config, where you will find four settings involving master and slave settings. reform entire four fields ought auto-detection.

7) Exit BIOS and reboot. Your desktop ought now automatically find the new hardware.

8) empty the new difficult drive. if you’re using Windows, progress ought My Computer and emerge because the new difficult drive. With Linux, the new motivate will emerge at the dev directory.
  • If the difficult motivate is no readable, it’s apt that the difficult motivate itself (and no your computer’s software) failed. if this is the case, you will lack professional aid if you lack ought last the salvage. exist warned that this can exist identical expensive.

9) explore and salvage your old files. touch them ought because healthy the working computer or ought the external difficult motivate by copying and pasting, clicking and dragging, etc. if you have a fate of great files (ex. songs, movies), correspondence that the touch could accept many hours.

10) become off and unplug the desktop ought uninstall the difficult motivate (if desired). though the difficult motivate is physically intact, it will maybe task display at the old laptop if you reinstall your operating system.

3. Access Your Old Files over Another Computer (Mac Only)

1) fetch a FireWire cable. buy a new one because anywhere among $5 and $20 or borrow one from a friend.

2) borrow a working Mac. create certain the Mac has enough universe ought agree the files you desire ought reclaim from the dead laptop; alternatively, you can hook an external difficult motivate up ought the working Mac and simply use the Mac because a touch system because the files.

3) join the dead Mac ought the working Mac using the FireWire cable. create certain that the working Mac is turned off when you carry out this.

4) because you energy up the working Mac, magazine the T key until the FireWire icon appears. This starts the computer at “Target Mode,” implication that the working Mac will give you access ought the targeted computer’s master motivate at love ought its own.
  • If you use OS X 10.4: become above your computer normally, progress ought System Preferences > Startup Disk > Target Mode. Then, reboot your computer ought begin it at goal Mode.

5) find and empty the dead computer’s difficult motivate above your Mac’s desktop. if the targeted motivate does no emerge above the desktop, the exterminate ought your old computer is apt physical, implication you will lack professional aid ought terminate the salvage. exist warned that this can exist identical expensive.

6) Salvage your old files. touch them ought because healthy the working Mac or ought the external difficult motivate by copying and pasting, clicking and dragging, etc. if you have a fate of great files (ex. songs, movies), correspondence that the touch could accept many hours.

7) when you’re done, near the window ought your difficult drive. The good news is that the dead computer is still physically intact and will maybe task display if you reinstall your operating system.

8) Right-click the targeted motivate and elect Eject. You can now detach the dead computer.
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